Axioma School
Kurs haqida
FINTECH 360 - bu mahalliy va xalqaro sanoat mutaxassislari tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan intensiv onlayn dastur. Siz asosiy FinTech tendentsiyalari, innovatsiyalar, sanoat tushunchalari va moliyaviy raqamli transformatsiyalar haqida muhim bilimlarga ega bo'lasiz.
Kurs FinTech industriyasining yetakchi mutaxassislari tomonidan o‘qitilmoqda va o‘qitilmoqda.

Chairwomen of Fintech Association
Nargis Dustmatova
FinTech va bank sohasida mahalliy va xalqaro ekspertlar
Chairwomen of Fintech Association
Nargis Dustmatova
Chairwomen of Fintech Association
Nargis Dustmatova
Bizning hamkorlarimiz
For whom?
For unlearned
For beginners
For advanced
For those who do not have any knowledge.
For those who have basic knowledge, but want to structure it and know more.
For those who already understand a lot and want to know more.
An intensive self-paced online program developed by the industry’s top local and international experts. You will get the necessary knowledge on key FinTech trends, innovations, industry insights and to finance digital transformation.
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